Frequently Asked Questions
Explore our extensive FAQs for answers to your most common inquiries. If you can't find what you're seeking, please don't hesitate to contact us at any time for further assistance.

Our infra and security practices are one of the best available in the industry, and your data will always remain secured and protected with us.
For more details and a detailed explanation, please visit the “Annex 2 – Security Measures” section of our Data Processing Agreement.
Please review to “12. EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)” section of our privacy policy. You may also check our Data Processing Agreement.
It’s truly unlimited! You can ask us to make changes or add your posts, pages, or WooCommerce products anytime. All you need to do is send us the details, and our WordPress experts will handle it for you. Please note that code edits or development-related changes are not included.
Currently, we are not offering design and development works to the public because that might shift our focus from our core business areas. You may still check with our sales team if it’s an urgent requirement.
No issues with that. If you think that is required or your company has an NDA with specific rules or procedures, we can discuss/review and possibly sign that contract.
It will only take 30 minutes to 3 hours to activate the “WordPress Care Plan“.
The “White Label WordPress Agency Plan” will require us to create a separate infrastructure for you and make additional customizations. Therefore, it will take 24 to 72 hours to fully activate the plan.
You can either pay via PayPal or via CreditCard. Please check our Payment Policy page for more details.
Yes, WooCommerce support is included, except for any WooCommerce development-related work.
That’s not part of the plan. However, if you are a web host, you may check out ServerHealers’ “24×7 Blog/Forum Moderation Service“.
There are no limitations. We support WordPress websites regardless of whether they are hosted on cloud, shared hosting, dedicated servers, or any other hosting platform.
Phone support is not available. Please reach out to us anytime via email or live chat, both available 24×7 with almost instant responses.
WordPress Multisite is not supported at the moment.
Our order forum, billing system, and support desk are fully secured and accessible only to authorized members via secure VPN. Therefore, all information sent through these channels is protected. Additionally, we utilize a self-destruct link generating system at for sharing sensitive information.
Yes, we do because we have many customers from Europe and countries where DPA is a must. Please click here to know more: Data Processing Agreement.
Please check here: Privacy Policy.
Please check the details here: Service Level Agreement.
You can send us the bonus or rewards, and we assure you that all these will go directly to the team members, and we have many clients doing so.
Please check our About Us page, and you can see all details about our mission, vision, and values there.
Please check our Brand Assets page, and all such details are mentioned there.